
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Using Songs in Mathematics

Who don't love song? Everyone loves to sing songs. Thus, the idea of using songs in teaching Mathematics should be taken into serious consideration.

This is an example of a song on introducing numbers for beginner students.

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With the advent of internet and computer, resource like songs become available for teachers to use in classroom. Websites such as YouTube and offer variety of songs that can support teachers to achieve the objectives of the lesson.

Why Do We use Songs? 

Simple, students come to school with the knowledge of songs like 'Mary Had A Little lamb' or ' Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'. Imagine if the students come to school with the acquisition of Mathematics concept by all their heart through songs. Can you see the effects songs can bring to students' life?

In fact, musics and songs get students to partcipate, adding another levels of engagement among students. Obviously, they need to memorize the lyric for them to be able to sing and 'enjoy' the tune. It is fine for them to sing if the teacher ask any questions that need them to recall the yric of the song. For example, if they have memorize a song on number one to ten. Then it is okay for them to sing the song to recall their memory.

However, it is important for teachers to note that the objectives of the lesson are still regarded as the main agenda, using songs as a tool to help the students acquire mathematical concepts. 


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